Imagine being able to multiply large numbers in your head-faster than you could tap the numbers into a calculator. Imagine being able to make a "lightning" mental check to see if you have made a mistake.
How would your colleagues react if you could calculate SQuare roots-and even cube roots--mentally? Would you gain a repu£ation for being extremely intelligent? Would your friends and colleagues treat you differently? How aoout your teachers, lecturers, clients, management ? People equate mathematical ability with intelligence. If you are able do multiplication, division, squaring and square roots in your head in less time than your friends can retrieve their calculators from their bags, they wi ll believe you have a superior intellect. I taught a young boy some of the strategies you will learn in Speed Mathematics before he had entered first grade and he was treated like a prodigy th roughout elementary school and high school. Engineers familiar with these kinds of strategies ga in a reputat ion for being geniuses because they can give almost instant answers to square root problems. Mentally finding the length of a h ypotenuse is child's play using the methods taught in this book. As these people are perceived as being extremely intelligent. they are treated differently by their friends and family, at school and in the workplace. And because they are treated as being more intelligent, they are more incl ined to acr more intelligently.
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